Erasmus Plus Inglese
Erasmus + English project
The project consists, mainly, in the celebration of various festivals related to the environment and its problems. The festival will have several categories: one for children and one for teens. The possibility of doing another category for adults is also contemplated.
The festival will be open to everyone so that anyone inside and outside the educational centres can participate. The teachers and students will be the ones who will select the shorts presented. The final winners will be selected at the end of the festival. In addition, the students themselves will make their own audiovisual productions (documentaries, animations and fictions) for the festival. Students will film their productions during the various mobilities.
The results are the realization of the short films and documentaries by the students and the organization and realization of the Festival of environment in the last instance. In the course, the realization and its subsequent publication in the media of surveys of families and members of the jury, as well as the directors after the viewing of the short films. The creation and transmission of an informative text/speech with which they will explain their learning and proposals to the rest of their locality and to their partners (EcoMentors). The realization of an environmental workshop for its partners. The creation of a Logo, a Poster and a Festival statue.
Project members
Agrupamento de Escolas Gil Eanes. Lagos Portugal
Szkola Podstawowa im, JanaPawla II wKoszecinie. Koszecin. Poland
INS Vacarisses. Spain
IC FAlconara Centro. Italy